Meeting documents

Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Management Committee
Tuesday, 7th February, 2017 9.30 am

To consider the Management Committee Action Plan.


The Leader of the Council introduced the item and advised that the Management Action Plan continued to evolve.  The committee received the Management Committee Action Plan and the Briefholders provided the following updates:


Community Facilities


A report on Greenhill Chalets and future management would be presented to the next meeting of the committee.


Community Safety


A report on the Pan-Dorset CCTV proposals would be brought to committee in March. In respect of environmental enforcement, the contactors planned start was next week.  He also advised that following a recent conversation with the Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner, he asked the committee to note that the way burglary’s were recorded would change. This was likely to impact on the borough crime statistics


Corporate Affairs and Continuous Improvement


The alignment of constitutions across the Dorset Councils Partnership was now complete.  The Protocol for members to communicate with the press would be referred to the Joint Scrutiny Committee.


Economic Development


In response to questions, Strategic Director, S Hill confirmed that the development of the car park was linked with the main building.  A section 106 agreement was in place that required the development of the whole site.


Members were advised that in respect of the Weymouth Football Club relocation, officers were waiting for the football club to arrange a meeting as there were a number of options to be considered, including land in the ownership of the Council.


The Brief holder also advised of regular meeting with Weymouth Bid.  


Environment and Sustainability


The consultation process for the Local Plan was now live. In respect of the Dorset waste Partnership, matter relating to the financial concerns were now under control.  However pressure needed to be put onto the partnership to ensure quality of service provision, including address the issue of the sand on the esplanade which was damaging to local business, and gum removal within the town centre. The photographs from the public speaker, Mr Underwood would be passed onto the conservation officer.




Finance and Assets


The Brief holder undated members on the sale of North Quay and indicated that a report would be presented to the committee on the town centre regeneration in March 2017. A further report would be presented to members at a future meeting on the temporary toilets for the esplanade.




In respect of the Melcombe Regis Board, an action plan was being developed and this plan would be shared with the committee in April. The Dorset Homelessness Strategy would be presented to committee in June.


Social Inclusion


In respect of the Making the Council dementia friendly a briefing for all members would arranged. The Brief holder also advised that she had attended a number of community lunches, which brought together various groups for networking purposes. She also updated members of the Armed Forces Covenant.


Tourism and Culture


In the absence of the Brief holder, the Leader of the Council advised that the action for ‘Reviewing signage within the Borough’ should be merged with the signage action relating to car parking.  This was agreed. ‘Seagull Removal’ to be renamed ‘Seagull Management’.


Transport and Infrastructure


A number of car parking report were being considered by Policy Development Committee and Scrutiny and Performance Committee.  These would be coming Management Committee in March and April.

Supporting documents: